
What a useful and enlightening discussion. Touchy, thorny issues

Dr Mate's words bring to mind the work of Franz Fanon, who was treating, as a psychiatrist in Algeria, both a victim of torture at the hands of the French colonialists, and the French soldier who took part in that torture.

There is always an element of ignorance in any expression of racism, and the task of expanding consciousness, overcoming both ignorance and programming through propaganda, something the hasbara of the Zionists and the willingness of our mass corporate-owned media perpetuate with enthusiasm, is a heady, long-term task indeed.

I can't imagine how to even begin this task, but I know that its outcome will determine whether we survive as a species.

Thank you Dr. Marya, for this generous helping of food for thought, and thanks to all on this remarkable panel

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For right now I’d start with stopping the slaughter. The heady stuff when the people aren’t being starved and burned alive in their tents. I don’t think that racism is ignorance. I think it’s spirit sickness. Moral depravity. But not ignorance.

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A new oath. That strikes the heart.

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Thanks Dr. Marya - signing the petition and sharing your words. Collectivity can only emerge out of its absence. Holistic thinkers who have been harmed by abusive power, and biases, must learn and understand rise together. I view our work as filling in a hole in time - of time itself, lost to missions of domination and ideological conquest, but also a hole of relatedness, compassion, and understanding. We are literally filling that with our anguish, deaths, and fire. Fire in the hole!! We are certainly working for survival - but I must ask - survival of WHAT? Certainly not of ignorance and domination strategies, and least for me and most others I think. I am trying to bring consistency to platoon and compassion - the bases of survival - to my hole. Here are my latest contributions.

Take the Red Pill: Why Buddhism Is True, and Needed | Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-pacific-heart/202501/take-the-red-pill-why-buddhism-is-true-and-needed

MOSF 20.1: MAGA Salt on the Wounds of the LA Fires (The Third Arrow of Suffering) https://eastwindezine.com/mosf-20-1-maga-salt-on-the-wounds-of-the-la-fires-the-third-arrow-of-suffering/

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oops I don't know what autocorrected to "platoon" .... thanks again for writing

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